Make informed decisions-
For many of us, the new year brings the opportunity to make new investments.

Planning an ITFM or TBM software implementation in 2019? Make sure that your Q1/2 vendor selection process is structured to help ensure success for the project. Our February Learn TBM Workshop will superpower your evaluation, and we have a bonus discount for the Holidays.
The February 2019 Learn and Lead Workshop will be focused on those who are looking to implement a solution in the next 18 months.
This is the right workshop if you are going to build your own solution or if you are going to buy an existing software solution off the shelf. Remember, if the process does not start with an understanding of your true value drivers and a balanced matrix of requirements, you will not get full value from your implementation.
Join us in Indianapolis in February for a day of learning. Take home best practices, working templates and an understanding of how to self-assess your readiness for an implementation.
There are a limited number of half price Discount Codes available – use theCode Learn2019 before December 31, 2018 to get a 50% reduction in cost at the checkout.