The learn and lead workshop schedule for 2020 has been announced and tickets are available now. We will be providing 3 public workshops and a fourth workshop that is available only to our Post Implementation Support Subscription Customers.
In February, our workshop is targeted to intermediate to advanced skillsets. If you have been working with a Service Cost Model for a year or more, this class is specifically for you. You might have implemented an off the shelf solution, or maybe you have a homegrown solution you have designed yourself. Providing ongoing ROI for your ITFM/TBM investment means moving past the tactical deployment of reports and models to the strategic design and use of your information and analytics. No matter what solution is working for you, having the right modeling skills is critical to get great insights for your organization.
On February 20, 2020 for those staying overnight after the workshop to beat the winter blues, we will offer a bonus free workshop in the evening that will be an IT 101 for Finance Professionals, making sure you have three domain knowledge needed to design your models.
May 12, 2020, is one of our most attended and highest demand workshops- Selecting Software Solutions and Getting Started with TBM. If you are considering implementing an off the shelf software solution like Nicus, Apptio, Upland/ComSci, or EZTBM, this workshop is a must-attend. An ITFM / TBM automation platform is an investment that can bring cultural and bottom-line impact to a company. Vendor options continue to change and grow, making the process of choosing the right platform a major challenge. Any step forward on your journey to maturity can be fraught with uncertainty and potential failure. It can be hard to justify a large investment of time and money for the next project when you don’t know what you can confidently deliver. Join Thavron CEO Nan Braun for a full day of workshops that will empower you to self assess and engage with Vendors confidently
September 24, 2020 is a workshop for attendees of all levels. IT Basics for Financial Professionals / IT and Business Alignment provides information and tools needed to understand both the Business of IT and how to align those IT Functions to Business Capabilities.
In December we will have our last workshop of the year, focused on road mapping and service portfolio metrics. This workshop will only be open for our support subscribers. If you are interested in learning more about our post-implementation support advisory, email info@thavronsolutions.com.








